Performance Running Hats for the Outdoors

— By Katie Godec
What qualities do we look for in a "performance" running hat? Naturally, this type of question could be unique to the individual preferences of the hat user. But after surveying hundreds of athletes and putting our own hats to the test, ALDRI SUR has some answers.
We focused on materials, durability, design, and fit in our reviews of the classic Topo running hat, Friluft 5-panel hat, Destination Camper 5-panel hat, and Peaks Trucker hats. And for an added bonus, we outlined the best use and care practices for each. Let's dig in!
ALDRI SUR Classic Topo Hat
This hat was truly a labor of love. Designed by no less than THREE endurance athletes with a combined road/trail running mileage that could stretch from here to the moon, the Topo running hat was made to go the distance.
Features we LOVE - the Topo hat has a super strong, super flexible nylon mesh backing for an anti-chafe, maximum cooling experience. And although we don't recommend diving down to the bottom of the sea with it, you can get this cap pretty darn wet without worrying about colors bleeding or warping the structure of the hat.
The devil is in the details. But our detailed devil is awesome. With each Topo hat you can expect high-quality embroidered logo patches, a hand drawn, female-designed topography front panel, and a little surprise "under the lid" (contrasting upper and lower bill colors).
Friluft 5 Panel Cotton Camper
Not all performance caps are created equal. The ALDRI SUR Friluft camper hat is the perfect balance of durable construction with versatile design. Whether you are a trail runner, recreational hiker, or just heading to your local coffee shop for a caffeine boost, this hat will suit the occasion.
Features we LOVE - Unlike the Topo, this hat is a bit thicker (made of 100% cotton in the front, back, and side panels). Did we mention how much we love cotton? Cotton has a high tensile strength and is 30% percent stronger when WET! So if you get caught in a downpour or send out a little extra sweat, you could say you are actually supercharging your hat! Pretty cool.
In addition to the RAD color block construction (business on the sides, party on the top), our Friluft camper has a clip with an adjustable nylon strap to accommodate ALL the noggins.
Destination 5 Panel Suede Camper
If you are anything like us, your hats have a story. And our Destination Camper Hat's story starts in a small town on the west coast of Norway. The hand-drawn patch artwork depicts the thrilling twists & turns of Trollstigen (the Troll's Ladder): Norway's bendiest road. 11 hairpin turns at a 10% grade.
Features we LOVE - In addition to being made of 100% cotton in the front, back, and side panels (remember, SUPER CHARGEABLE material), the Destination Camper Hat brim is a luxuriously soft suede top and bottom for a little extra fancy.
As mentioned earlier, the custom artwork logo patch was hand drawn (all designs by ALDRI SUR are 100% created by female artists). These running hats are limited edition, produced in small batches, and meant to be collected. Gotta catch 'em all: Scandinavian version.
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